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Êtes-vous prêt à libérer le potentiel de vos collaborateurs ?

Lynx est la solution pour attirer et fidéliser vos employés, les faire monter en compétences et contribuer à votre impact social et sociétal

Comment ça marche ?

Une solution sur mesure

Nous établissons ensemble votre budget, les critères d’éligibilité de vos employés et l’adaptation en marque blanche de la plateforme

Une sélection de contenus pertinente

Lynx s’associe avec des partenaires de formation reconnus pour proposer des programmes ambitieux en phase avec les aspirations des apprenants

Un accompagnement personnalisé

Lynx attribue un coach dédié pour soutenir et encourager les employés tout au long de leur parcours de formation

Un retour sur investissement garanti

Nous suivons en continu les progrès des étudiants et mesurons les résultats à long terme des programmes


  • Un meilleur taux de fidélisation et d’engagement
  • Des opportunités de mobilité interne élargies
  • Un renforcement de la diversité, de l’équité et de l’inclusion
  • Des opportunités d’évolution professionnelle
  • Des certifications délivrées par des prestataires de formation renommés
  • Un renforcement de la confiance et de la motivation

Explorez nos exemples concrets

Académies pour travailleurs indépendants

Lynx est expert dans l’accompagnement des entreprises qui font appel à des travailleurs autonomes et qui souhaitent intégrer la formation comme avantage social pour ces travailleurs.

Lynx met en place des académies proposant des formations dans différents formats (durée, certificats…) et plusieurs langues, accessibles aux travailleurs et aux membres de leur famille à travers le monde.

Cabinet de conseil européen de taille moyenne

Avec un siège au Royaume-Uni et une expansion par le biais d’acquisitions à travers l’Europe, de nombreux salariés ressentaient un besoin pressant d’améliorer leur anglais.

Lynx a permis aux équipes dans différents pays (Espagne, Italie, Portugal et France) de renforcer leurs compétences linguistiques grâce à notre partenaire Voxy, tout en bénéficiant de l’assistance des conseillers Lynx présents dans chaque pays.

Scale-up de transition énergétique

Une scale-up en forte croissance dans le domaine de la transition énergétique faisait face à la nécessité pour de nombreux collaborateurs de passer rapidement à de nouvelles fonctions. La DRH et les managers ont eu à leur disposition un guichet unique permettant d’accéder à plus de 500 formations sélectionnées avec soin, dispensées par plus de 40 partenaires de formation de qualité, tout en proposant du coaching dédié à chaque apprenant pour assurer le succès de la formation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does Lynx offer?

Lynx is an education benefits platform designed to help companies engage and retain their workforce. Our solution allows you to offer something of value to your workers while also building skills to fill internal talent gaps.

For companies: Our services cover the entire spectrum of education benefits, from initial design and implementation to learner support and outcomes reporting. Through the Lynx platform, you gain access to a client portal where you can design, launch, and manage your education benefit. Moreover, our real-time dashboard offers invaluable insights into learner engagement and outcomes.

For learners: We offer a user-friendly portal where they can explore available programmes, schedule one-to-one meetings with dedicated advisors, and access their learning programme.

How is pricing calculated?

Our pricing model is based on programme enrolment, learner support fees and a one-time platform implementation. In order to determine the right package for you, we take into account the size of your eligible worker population, the selection of programmes you choose to include in your catalogue, the number of geographies where you operate, and company objectives. Our team collaborates closely with yours to craft a package that aligns with your budget expectations while effectively meeting your goals for the benefit. Contact us to learn more!

What types of programmes are in the Lynx catalogue?

Our extensive catalogue encompasses a range of educational opportunities, spanning various subject areas, languages, and formats. We partner with leading universities and learning providers worldwide to curate a catalogue of short courses and professional certificates, full degrees and specialized bootcamps. The majority of our programmes are delivered online and offer flexible pacing to accommodate the busy schedules of working adults.

Can you source new programmes to add to your catalogue at the request of a client?

Absolutely. We understand that each company has its own unique learning needs and preferences. If you have specific programme requirements or wish to collaborate with a particular learning provider, Lynx can facilitate the addition of new programmes to ensure that your catalogue remains tailored to the evolving needs of your business and your workforce.

How should Lynx services be positioned alongside existing company L&D programmes?

Lynx’s education benefit complements and enhances existing L&D initiatives within your organization. Many companies have internally managed academies or learning experience platforms (LXPs), which allow companies to share internal training materials, as well as self-serve content libraries for employees to learn about specific topics often in short, accessible formats.

Lynx provides a solution for employees who want a deeper learning experience to grow in their current role or launch a new career path. Our programmes require more of a commitment from learners – they usually last 6-24 weeks with project-based hands-on learning. Lynx provides targeted learning experiences with built-in support and guidance, particularly beneficial for frontline and early-career employees seeking more hands-on learning experiences. Through our platform, you can offer access to pre-approved education opportunities to a large employee audience, avoiding one-off approvals and time-consuming searches for programmes.

How does Lynx ensure the quality of the educational programmes offered?

At Lynx, we uphold rigorous standards when selecting learning providers and curating our catalogue of educational programmes. We carefully vet each partner institution and programme to ensure that they meet our criteria for academic excellence, learning outcomes, relevance to workforce needs, and learner satisfaction. Additionally, we regularly gather feedback from both employers and employees to continually assess and improve the quality of the programmes we offer.

What kind of support do employees receive throughout their learning journey?

We understand that embarking on a learning journey can sometimes be daunting for working adults. That’s why we offer comprehensive support to learners in every step of their learning journey. Each learner has access to dedicated academic advisors who provide ongoing coaching, enrollment support, and career guidance. Learners also have access to curated webinars, learning and career navigation resources, and technical support to ensure they have the guidance and assistance needed to succeed.

How does Lynx measure the success and impact of its education benefit?

Lynx is committed to delivering measurable outcomes and demonstrating the tangible impact of our education benefit on both employees and employers. We employ a range of metrics and analytics tools to track learner engagement, programme completion rates, skill development, and career progression. Furthermore, we work closely with our client partners to assess the return on investment (ROI) of the education benefit and identify areas for improvement.

Can employees access the Lynx platform on mobile devices?

Yes, our platform is designed to be accessible anytime, anywhere, from any device. Whether learners prefer to use their desktop computers, tablets, or smartphones, they can easily access the Lynx platform and explore available programmes, schedule meetings with advisors, and sign up for learning programmes.

How does Lynx ensure data privacy and security for both employers and employees?

Protecting the privacy and security of our users’ data is of utmost importance to us. We operate under strict GDPR data protection regulations, ensuring that all sensitive information collected and stored on our platform is handled with the utmost care. As part of our commitment to data security, Lynx proudly holds ISO 27001 certification, a globally recognized standard for information security management systems, as well as SOC 2 Type 2 certification. Our platform is protected with industry-leading security measures to safeguard all sensitive information collected and stored on our platform. Additionally, we are transparent about our data practices and provide clear guidelines on data usage and sharing to ensure peace of mind for both employers and learners.