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Website editor

Lynx Educate
French société par actions simplifiée
Share capital: 1,596.48 euros
Registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 900 471 053
VAT number: FR31900471053


Registered address: 185 rue Ordener, 75018 Paris, France


Publication Director: Sylvie Milverton


Website hosting

This website is hosted by OVH:

French société par actions simplifiée

Share capital: 10 174 560 euros

Registered with the Lille Metropole Trade and Companies Register under number 424 761 419

Registered address: 2 rue Kellerman, 59100 Roubaix, France




For your usage of our website (the « Website ») and of our services (the « Services »), we (« Lynx Educate », « We », « Us », « Our ») may collect and process your personal data.

The purpose of this personal data & privacy protection policy (the « Policy ») is to inform the Website users (« User », « You », « Your », « Yours »), the Lynx Educate clients (the « Clients ») and their employees (the « Learners ») and the Lynx Educate learning partners (the « Partners ») about the resources adopted to collect and process Your personal data, in compliance with the applicable French and European laws, notably the Act n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, regarding information technology, files and freedom, modified by the Act n°2004-801 of August 6, 2004 and by the Act n°2018-493 of June 20, 2018 (« French Data Protection Act »), the Regulation (UE) n° 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and rules relating to the free movement of personal data (« GDPR ») and the Directive 2002/58 of July 12, 2002 modified by the Directive 2009/136/CE (« ePrivacy Directive »), and any national transposition text or any later text following those (the « Applicable Laws »).

We regard with the deepest importance Your privacy respect and to Your personal data protection.

By accessing and/or using Our Website or by signing up Our Services, You understand that Your personal data may be collected and processed in the terms and conditions hereinafter described. If You do not agree with this Policy, You must cease any access and/or use of Our Website and Our Services.

This Policy should be jointly considered with Our Usage Terms and Conditions for Our Services, with Our contracts and with Our Cookies Policy available below.



The terms « personal data » (« Personal Data »), « processing », « controller », « processor », « recipient », « consent », « filing system » shall have the same meanings given to them by GDPR Article 4.



Your Personal Data controller is the French company Lynx Educate, société par actions simplifiée (SAS), registered with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (RCS) of Paris under n° 900 471 053, the registered office of which is located at 185 rue Ordener – 75018 Paris, with contact details specified in Article 10.



While collecting Personal Data, the User or Client or Learner or Partner will be informed of the facultative or required nature of the Personal Data given while signing up on the Platform and/or while using the Website. In the case that mandatory Personal Data is not completed by the User or Client or Learner or Partner, access and use of some services on the Website may be impossible.

Specifically, Lynx Educate may collect the following varieties of Personal Data:

For the Website Users For the Clients For the Partners For the Learners

Data relating to Your contact requests (including those via Our contact form):

– Family name;

– First name(s);

– Email address

Data relating to identity:

– Family name;

– First name(s);

– Phone number (landline and/or mobile);

– Email address;

– Postal address

Data relating to identity:

– Family name;

– First name(s);

– Phone number (landline and/or mobile);

– Email address;

– Postal address

Data relating to identity:

– Family name;

– First name(s);

– Phone number (landline and/or mobile);

– Email address

Technical data regarding navigation and interaction with the Lynx Educate website:

– visits statistics: IP address, cookies, for instance web page visited by the User, Lynx Educate website visit date and hour (refer to the )

Data relating to means of payment:

– Transaction number;

– Credit card data (credit card holder details, expiry date, cryptogram)

Data relating to the sale relationship:

– Ongoing training;

– Ongoing training amount;

– Billing address;

– Training history

Data relating to the Learners’ training path:

– Ongoing training;

– Data relating to the ongoing training (attendance, results obtained in the context of the training)

Data relating to the sale relationship:

– Ongoing Pack;

– Ongoing Pack amount;

– Billing address;

– Signed-up Services history

Data relating to invoice payments:

– Payment methods;

– Agreed discounts if any;

– Receipts;

– Invoices

Data relating to invoice payments:

– Payment methods;

– Agreed discounts if any;

– Receipts;

– Invoices



The Personal Data You provide to Us, and the collected and/or processed data in the context of Your use of the Website and our Services, are processed with the aim of meeting the following purposes:

Legal basis Purposes
Contract between the Client and Lynx Educate (consisting of the enterprise partnership agreement, of the Lynx Educate Platform usage terms and conditions, and of this Policy) Providing You the Services and the Platform ensuring its proper functioning, facilitating Your Pack subscriptions processing, and more generally the sale relationship with Our Clients processing, etc.
Contract between the Partner and Lynx Educate (consisting of the education partnership agreement, and of this Policy) Managing the sale relationship with Our Partners and providing Our Services to Our Partners.
Contract between the Learner and Lynx Educate (consisting of the Lynx Educate Platform usage terms and conditions, and of this Policy) Providing Services to Learners.
Learner’s consent to his/her Personal Data transfer to Lynx Educate, previously collected and documented by the Client and to his/her data processing by Lynx Educate for Lynx Educate to provide services

Learner’s data processing for Lynx Educate to provide its Services.


Lynx Educate legitimate interest to manage its client relationship Managing the sale relationship between Lynx Educate and its Clients and Partners.
Lynx Educate legitimate interest to promote its products and to propose You offers and news Informing You about Lynx Educate offers and news, unless You request otherwise.
Compliance with a legal obligation Being compliant with Our legal obligations.
Compliance with a legal obligation Respond to Your rights exercising requests (access, opposition, portability, etc).



Lynx Educate will take all useful precaution, organizational and technical measures suited to protect security, integrity and confidentiality for Personal Data, and specifically to prevent them from being altered, damaged or accessed by non-authorized third parties.


In compliance with the regulations in force, Personal Data can be sent to competent authorities at request and especially to public organizations, exclusively to meet legal obligation, answer to representatives of the law, to ministerial officers and to organizations in charge of debt recovery.


Personal Data may be used by Lynx Educate, its subcontractors, its affiliates and/or, if necessary, its business partners, for the purposes described in Provision 4 aforementioned.

  • Lynx Educate staff, the organizations in charge of inspection (including external auditor) and Lynx Educate subcontractors will be able to access Personal Data gathered within the framework of providing the Services and the provision of the Site;
  • Any third party led to be involved in Services You would have signed up for;
  • For Learners data: education Partners with duly signed agreement;
  • Subject to Your consent when it is required, we may communicate Your Personal Data to Our partners, particularly for direct marketing purposes.


Your Personal Data may be processed outside the European Union, including via remote access. Lynx Educate will execute no Personal Data transmission outside European Union without implementing suitable measures pursuant to Applicable Laws.



In accordance with Applicable Laws, subject to an express request accordingly, You are granted for Your Personal Data the right to access, correct, oppose, and delete, under the conditions of Applicable Laws.

Your right to delete Your Personal Data is enforced subject to obligations Lynx Educate may prove for Personal Data preservation, particularly regarding its legal obligations.

In the event of exercise of the right to oppose, Lynx Educate will stop processing the Personal Data, except in the case of legitimate and compelling motive(s) to process, or to ensure the observation, the exercise, or the defense of its rights before the Court, pursuant to Applicable Laws.

Providing compliance with the conditions of Applicable Laws, You can also request process restriction to Your Personal Data.

While Your Personal Data processing is based on Your consent, You have the right to revoke Your consent at any time.

You can give instructions to Lynx Educate about Your Personal Data fate after Your death.

If necessary, Lynx Educate will inform You of the reasons for which the exercise of Your rights may not be fulfilled in whole or in part.

In order to exercise the rights mentioned in this provision, You can contact Lynx Educate by sending your request to contact details specified in Provision 10 hereunder.



Lynx Educate undertakes not to keep Your Personal Data beyond the duration strictly needed for the purposes they have been collected for, and pursuant to Applicable Laws.

Lynx Educate will anonymise or delete Your Personal Data from the end of their purpose and/or defined retention period.

However, the Personal Data may be archived beyond the expected duration for research, observation, and legal proceedings purposes only to allow, if necessary, the provision of this Personal Data to the Court, or for other retention obligations, especially accounting or tax goals. Archiving involves the Personal Data access to be restricted and that the Personal Data will not be remotely available for consultation but extracted and stored on an autonomous and secured recording medium.

Maximum retention periods apply as defined in the table below, except if You request Your Personal Data deletion or end of processing before the term of these durations, in compliance with Provision 6 hereinabove, and subject to any obligation for a longer retention.

Category Retention period
Data and contact relating to Clients, Partners, Learners and data about Learners’ trainings 3 years after last contact with You
Data relating to transaction with credit card These data are not retained beyond the transaction period unless You consent their storage
Data relating to services subscription and invoices payment 5 years from subscription date
Personal Data processed in the framework of requests and promotional operations, offer and news mailing 3 years from the end of the relationship with You or from the last contact You initiate
Technical data of navigation and interaction with the Lynx Educate website The placement of cookies duration may vary according to the cookie sort regarded (please refer to the Lynx Educate cookies policy for more details), in any case, the maximum retention period for cookies is 13 months from the cookie placement on the internet user terminal.
Personal Data relating to administration of requests for rights exercise and questions about Personal Data 3 years from the last contact You initiate
Data relating to Lynx Educate legal obligations administration This duration may vary according to the legal obligation regarded.



In general the Website and the Services are not designed for persons under the age of 18. This is the reason why We do not collect or retain Personal Data regarding minors under 18 years of age, without receiving a verifiable parental consent, knowing that the parental authority holders can request to receive their child’s data or request their deletion.

When You, as an adult, input Personal Data relating to a person under the age of 18, you undertake to secure the verifiable consent of the parental authority holders, and to provide on request any evidence of this consent.



Considering technologies evolution, implementation costs, the nature of Personal Data that need to be protected as well as risks for people’s rights and liberties, Lynx Educate implements technical and organizational measures suited to guarantee collected and processed Personal Data confidentiality and a security level fitting the risk, in compliance with the present Policy.

All useful precautions, in accordance with the state-of-the-art, in relation to the nature of Personal Data and the risks produced by the processing, will be taken to preserve the Personal Data security and particulary to prevent them from being altered, damaged, or accessed by unauthorized third parties.



For any request regarding Your Personal Data processing, You can send Your request or Your claim directly to Lynx Educate to its headquarters at 185 rue Ordener – 75018 Paris or to the following email address:

Lynx Educate will endeavour to find a satisfactory solution to ensure the respect of the Applicable Laws.

Should Lynx Educate fail to answer or should the dispute persist, You may file a plea to the CNIL or to the controlling authority in the Member State of European Union in which You reside.



We may update or modify this Policy form time to time according to legal, technical or sales evolution. We will notify you and/or request your consent for any significant change of this Policy when required by the law. The date of the most recent version of this Policy will be specified below.


Last update: December 1, 2022




This Cookies Policy (the « Cookies Policy ») is intended to inform users (« User », « You », « Your », « Yours ») of the website (the « Website ») of the ways that Lynx Educate (« We », « Us », « Our ») uses to consult and store information relating to Your browsing on the Website.

When using the Website, information relating to the navigation of Your computer, tablet, smartphones, etc. (the « Terminal ») may be saved in files called « cookies » installed on Your Terminal, subject to the choices You have made regarding « cookies » and which You can modify at any time.

The Cookies Policy should be jointly read with Our Privacy Policy available here above.



A « cookie » is a small text, image or software file that We may save on the hard drive of Your Terminal through Your Internet browser when You use the Website, subject to Your agreement and unless You object.

A « cookie » allows its issuer, during its period of validity, to recognize the concerned Terminal each time this Terminal accesses digital content containing « cookies » from the same issuer.

Once installed, « cookies » allow Us to recognize You each time You visit the Website, and therefore to allow You to benefit from all the features of the Website, to report Your visit to a particular page and thus provide You with an additional service. They also allow Us to improve Your browsing comfort, secure Your connection or adapt the content of a page to Your centers of interest or user preferences.

The information recorded by « cookies », for a limited period of validity, relates in particular to the visited pages, the advertisements on which You have clicked, the type of browser You are using as well as other data that Our online service processes automatically such as the identity of Your Internet access provider, Your IP address or the information You have entered on the Website (in order to avoid entering them again).

« Cookies » are not active files, and therefore cannot host viruses. For more information, You can go to the following page:



Only the issuer of a « cookie » is likely to read or modify the information contained herein.

« Cookies » are used for the purposes described below, subject to Your Choices which You can express and modify at any time via the parameters of the browser software used when You browse the Website.


Browsing « cookies » improve the performance of the Website in order to provide the User with better use of the Website. These « cookies » do not require the prior information and consent of the User to be placed on the User’s Terminal.

More specifically, these browsing « cookies » allow in particular:

  • to adapt the presentation of the Website to the display preferences of Your Terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) when You use the Website, depending on the viewing or reading hardware and software that Your Terminal has ;
  • to allow access to a reserved space subject to username and password;
  • to memorize information relating to the forms that You have completed when using the Website;
  • to memorize Your usage preferences, display settings and drives You use in order to facilitate Your navigation during Your next visit to the Website;
  • to adapt the informational or promotional content of the Website according to Your supposed or declared interests and preferences, or resulting from Your navigation on the Website, and according to Your place of connection to the Website;
  • to implement security measures, for example when the User is asked to log on to the Website again after a certain period of time has elapsed.


The statistical « cookies » issued on the Website make it possible in particular to establish statistics and measures of attendance and use of the various elements making up the Website (sections and content visited, routes, etc.), allowing Us to improve the interest and the ergonomics of the Website.

The results of the analysis of statistical « cookies » are processed anonymously and for exclusively statistical purposes.


Third-party « cookies » are used in particular to personalize Your browsing experience on the Website, maintain and improve the quality of Our service and protect You from any fraudulent activity. When third-party sites, such as social networking sites, receive information contained in « cookies » through the use of a specific module of the Website, this information is assumed to be anonymous and has the sole purpose of allowing Your identification on the Website.

Issuer of the « cookie » Name of the « cookie » Purpose of the « cookie » Opt-out « Cookie » lifespan
Google Analytics _ga

Statistical monitoring of the Website visits in real time



or download the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on at

13 months



The « cookies » issued on the Website are session « cookies » (whose duration is limited to the time of a connection to the Website) and persistent « cookies » (whose duration, however limited, is greater than the duration of a connection).

Session « cookies » are only active during Your visit and are deleted when You close Your browser. Persistent « cookies » remain stored on the hard drive of Your Terminal once Your browser is closed.

In accordance with the Applicable Regulations and the recommendations of the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (« CNIL »), « cookies » are kept for a maximum period of 13 (thirteen) months after their first deposit. At the end of this period, Your consent must be collected again for the collection of cookies subject to consent.



All of the User’s rights recognized by the are also applicable to the use of « cookies ».

You have several options for managing cookies. The User understands that « cookies » improve the comfort of browsing on the Website. Any configuration that the User may undertake will be likely to modify his navigation on the Website and his conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of « cookies ». Lynx Educate cannot be held responsible for the consequences of less efficient operation of the Website due to the impossibility of installing or reading the « cookies » necessary for its proper operation, once the User has rejected them or removed them.

Users can configure their browser software so that « cookies » are saved in their Terminal or, on the contrary, rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer. Users can also configure their browser software so that the acceptance or refusal of « cookies » is offered to them from time to time, before a cookie is likely to be saved on their Terminal.

Please note that exercising the right of opposition will not prevent the display of advertisements. Only advertisements using the Website’s personalization services will cease. In other words, the User will no longer be exposed to advertisements adapted to their centers of interest using « cookies » on the Website but will continue to be displayed advertisements whose content will no longer necessarily be in line with their interests, even doubtful ones.

The help menu or the dedicated section of Your browser will allow You to know how to express or modify Your preferences in terms of « cookies »:



Google™ Cookies

We use Google Analytics, which is a Google service that uses cookies and other data collection technologies to measure and evaluate access and traffic to the public area of the Website, and to create User navigation reports for administrators of Our Website.

Google operates independently of Us and has its own privacy policies, which we strongly advise You to review. Google may use information collected by Google Analytics to evaluate visitor activity on Our Website. For more information, see the Privacy and Data Sharing section of Google Analytics.

You can opt out of Google Analytics by visiting or by downloading the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on at



We reserve the right to update this Cookies Policy from time to time to reflect any change to our Website or to comply with changes to our legal and/or regulatory obligations. We will post the revised version on the Website, with an update date. By continuing to use our Website thirty days after those revisions become effective, You will be considered to accept and comply with the revisions.



If You have any question or would like to inquire about our cookie practices and this Policy, please contact us at:

Lynx Educate

Address: 12 Rue Chabanais, 75002 Paris
